Health, Nutrition and Vibes







Grieving the loss of your old self

Grieving the loss of your old self

Grief.   As I sat down to my journal, the first word that always came to mind was “Death”.   But as this word has been showing up for me more and more, I decided to open up to what message it had for me…   It became very apparent, it is more than just a...

Let’s Talk H2O

Let’s talk H2O (And my newest water filter obsession!)   Today I’m talking about one of my absolute biggest passions in health – WATER.   I’m going to be completely real and tell you guys, if you are eating organic, good quality food and not drinking...

Memories are just Vibrations

Memories are merely Vibrations     As I was flying back to Portland from LA, I was listening to my audiobook The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson (which if you haven’t read, I highly recommend and will link to it here) and she said the line,...

Diet & Cleanse Shaming

  I’ve been noticing a trend on social media lately… For years doing some sort of diet for weight loss was the “cool thing to do”. Now – the “cool” thing to do is be “anti-diet”   And while I am all for being anti-diet, body trust, and loving your body,...

Holiday Gift Guide

2018 Holiday Gift Guide I cannot even believe that the holidays are already here! I wanted to create a gift guide for you all with some of my favorite products and some links to save you all some money! 🙂   I want to preface this though, that I personally...



Why are they putting weed killer on our food?!     I’ve become increasingly more and more shocked at how many people have yet to hear about glyphosate. Not shocked by you all, but shocked that our food system is doing such a good job of keeping this a...

My Story…

My Story…

Jasmine Elise came from more than just a dream, but from a journey.   So take my hand, and let me take you along.   The journey really begun for me at two years old, where I had my {first} near death experience. I came down with pneumonia, where I ended up...

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