I’ve been noticing a trend on social media lately…

For years doing some sort of diet for weight loss was the “cool thing to do”.

Now – the “cool” thing to do is be “anti-diet”


And while I am all for being anti-diet, body trust, and loving your body, here’s the ting:


Just like I don’t think we should judge people for the diet they ascribe to, I EQUALLY do not believe we should shame people for doing a diet or cleanse.


As a nutritionist, I see new diets and food trends ALL the time. And while I am hyper aware of them, I think everyone can relate to me when they say there is a LOT of conflicting information out there.


Recently I decided to try the celery juice cleanse. I couldn’t believe all of the reactions, good and bad, that I received.


Some of comments/messages…

“I thought you were a HOLISTIC nutritionist, not a fad dieter”

“The medical medium doesn’t have real credential” – (which is true by the way)

“Is this something you recommend to your clients?”


I couldn’t believe that something as simple as CELERY JUICE was becoming so controversial.


As a nutritionist, I love to test out new products, supplements, diets, fads, etc. Just like the products I share on my Instagram, I would never recommend diets or supplements that I just don’t love. Unless of course it was for therapeutic purposes.


Here’s the thing though – I felt that I was being judged, alienated, favored, unflavored, liked, disliked, etc.




What I want people to understand…


Yes, I LOVE that our culture is shifting more towards body positivity, health at every size, and embracing curves – I AM ALL FOR THIS.


What I don’t love – shaming people who are trying to find answers to their health problems.


Shaming goes both ways.

Just because YOU personally don’t struggle with your weight, acne, digestion, fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, – (fill in the blank for whatever specific health condition) , does not mean that others aren’t.


As someone who has been through A LOT of health issues, and I mean a LOT, I remember there were times in my life when I felt DESPERATE for answers.


I remember wanting answers to my health so badly that I was willing to try ANYTHING. I mean, I’ve even seriously considered FMT. (If you’re not familiar with FMT… just google it lol.)


Until we are aware of WHERE people are at in their journey with their health, we:

  • Cannot judge
  • Make assumptions
  • Or Voice opinions about their unique situations.



For me, I took a lot of antibiotics growing up as a child… This has definitely impacted my health today, and honestly one of the reasons I am so passionate about health. This is one of the ways that celery juice has thought to be beneficial, in the case of clearing these stored toxins out of the liver.


Do I think Medical Medium is a God that created celery juice cleanse?

Not even close.

Do I believe that adding celery juice in ADDITION to a healthy diet could help people?




Now, that being said, as a nutritionist, there are VERY few cases I would ever recommend a full on juice cleanse. I believe it spikes blood sugar, I don’t believe in eliminating full on food groups for extended periods of time, etc.

I just personally don’t believe in extremems for anything.

But would you ever shame someone with cancer or extreme Lyme, or Mold toxicity for doing one…?


Sometimes I wonder if we’ve gone TOO FAR with the whole, “Anti dieting” movement.


Trying diets, eliminating and reintroducing different foods, adding or taking out supplements, and discovering what health is for each of us AS INDIVIDUALS is key.



So while I am at the point in my health journey where I don’t necessarily take offense to people (most without a nutrition degree) give me backlash for drinking celery juice (in addition to my healthy diet), I would truly hate for someone, who IS trying to find answers to their health, to receive mixed messages or rude comments about trying to do what is best for THEM.



Is it kind of ridiculous that everyone is doing celery juice since the Medical Medium talked about it?


Is it also ridiculous that this ancient tradition is being talked about like its brand new, and trending?


But, should we all respect that each person is at a different part in their own unique health journey, and if celery juice helps them, then we should allow for that?




So before we mock, dispute, make comments about, or criticize a diet, cleanse, or any form of eating for that matter, remember – this was originally created, adopted, or used because it HELPED SOMEONE.


If it doesn’t help you personally, that’s fine!


But as someone who truly wants health and healing for all of my clients, I really don’t want anyone feeling shamed, talked down upon, or like what they are doing is not the popular opinion.


The only diet that looks good on everyone is Supporting and Uplifting one another.