Let’s talk H2O

(And my newest water filter obsession!)


Today I’m talking about one of my absolute biggest passions in health – WATER.


I’m going to be completely real and tell you guys, if you are eating organic, good quality food and not drinking filtered water… you are missing a huge piece in the puzzle.


For me, clean drinking water is a MUST. (And after reading this it will be for you, too!)


And I’m not talking having a Brita or those cheap plastic hand held ones… while those are definitely better than nothing, they mainly just filter out chlorine so that your water tastes better. But, it’s still leaving in a lot of the chemicals that are found in tap water.


A lot of people don’t realize how truly bad tap water is for our health. A few things that are found in tap water are…


  • Glyphosate (a harmful pesticide)
  • Hormones
  • Antibiotics
  • Arsenic
  • Chromium
  • Nitrates
  • Prescription medications
  • Petrachlorate
  • Fluoride*
  • And a variety of other toxins, microbes, and chemicals



Not only that, but tap water is treated with a large number of chemicals in order to kill bacteria, contaminants, and microorganisms that are found in it.


These chemicals in water can lead to a whole host of health issues. Things like:

  • Cancer
  • Hormone problems/infertility
  • Neurological conditions
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • And a whole cascade of other health problems


Also, bottled water is NOT the answer. Many bottled waters contain a whole host of other problems like BPA, BPS, phthalates, and overall are a huge burden on our environment.


It’s also worth mentioning that different cities and towns have different regulations, and therefore contain different harmful contaminates in the water.

The EWG has is a great resource to test which chemicals are in your town’s water, all you have to do is enter in your zip code. Click here to see for your town.


So it’s for this reason I am SO excited to partner with Radiant Life. They have water systems and counter top filters that filter out these contaminates so that you can drink CLEAN water.

Radiant Life is a woman-owned business that sells a whole host of amazing products, and the one I am most excited about, and have been using, is their countertop Gravity Filter. It filters out 90-99.99% of the following:

  • Pathogenic bacteria
  • Chloramine
  • Chlorine
  • Lead
  • Herbicides and pesticides
  • Glyphosate
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • VOC’s
  • THM’s
  • Heavy Metals
  • Chromium
  • And Fluoride


Each filter last for about 6,000 gallons, which is about 1 year.


What makes them unique to other filters is that they use ceramic filters to treat the bacteria and filter the water. Ceramic not only removes pathogens and bacteria from the water, but is also easy to clean (which you can easily do to increase the flow rate) AND it helps to maintain healthy minerals within the water. This is amazing because many of the other systems deplete the water of minerals completely.


I personally have the Gravity Countertop system since I live in an apartment, but they also offer whole house systems that filter out water from all your faucets. I personally love the countertop system because it is even portable, so you can take it when you travel or go camping.


Also – I get super intimidated in setting up new things like this, and I can honestly say the setup was SO easy. Like, literally took me 5 minutes. And unlike other systems, you don’t even need to prime the filters. Which is a HUGE bonus.


After using the Gravity filter for a while now, I can honestly attest to how much I LOVE it, and so I am super excited to be able to offer you all a discount so you can have one of your own!

Simply click HERE to order your own whole house system or gravity filter so you can start drinking this amazing water too!!

Be sure to use the code: ‘JASMINE’ at checkout for 10% off 



*Fluoride: We’ve been told for many years that we “need” fluoride for our teeth. This unfortunately is a huge misconception. In fact, it’s actually really harmful to our health. Did you know that fluoride is actually used in rodenticides and pesticides to kill pests, rats, and insects? While in acute doses fluoride can be discarded by the body, but prolonged exposure (eg; daily drinking water) can lead to chronic toxicity. Fluoride toxicity can be seen in a variety of ways, particularly in arthritis symptoms, bones, brain, and thyroid.3


Note: This post was proudly sponsored by Radiant Life.

I only work with brands and companies I 100% stand behind, use, and trust 🙂



  1. https://www.nrdc.org/stories/truth-about-tap?gclid=Cj0KCQjwhdTqBRDNARIsABsOl98dXWEtuEYm_amLuiwFIyk5FA9FxxY7A_XSAvWs0PRlg3_yk_GkQfgaAlxMEALw_wcB
  2. https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwhdTqBRDNARIsABsOl9_E6-GSpaojWjlXOY-qU168rlSgMCSPwWpXd75wUUzqf6I52nBZRPMaAo8jEALw_wcB
  3. https://fluoridealert.org/issues/health/