Spring… the time of year I always look forward to.


Which, I know is the case for many of us… but, as I am learning, learning to embrace each season really is where we come into balance within ourselves and nature.

So, just as we need Spring, so too do we need fall and winter.


Which, I guess some people love winter?

Personally it makes ZERO sense to me lol, but this is why it is so important to focus on bio-individuality! We are ALL uniquely different.



I want to provide you all with tactical and practical tips to SPRING CLEAN – both spiritually and physically, so you can really step into this new season feeling AMAZING.


Now, lets make a few things clear right off the bat… you do not NEED to juice cleanse, you do not need to detox, you do not need to throw away all your things.


To be honest, we should be “detoxing” our bodies and energy on a daily basis. So when Spring does come around, we don’t feel so awful.


And when I say detoxing… I’m talking:

  • Dry brushing
  • Lymphatic massage
  • Herbs

Not any hard core cleanses. Unless of course, your body leads and guides you to one!


My goal is simply to provide you with the tools. But your job is always to use discernment and check in with your intuition around what YOUR body wants.



Okay, now that all of that is clear, let’s dive in 


I will be focusing heavily on Chinese Medicine for this, as that is what really introduced me to the topic of living according to the seasons.

I absolutely LOVED studying Chinese Medicine in grad school.

So much so, I almost went back to get my degree in it…

But, felt like another 4-5 years + the money for a second degree felt a bit much at the time.


So, I took it upon myself after taking multiple classes in Chinese medicine during school, to continue learning about it!


So to begin, the organs associated with Spring is: The Liver & Gallbladder


These two organs work together and play a key role in:

  • Spleen and lung health
  • The mobility of our tendons
  • And even EYE health (think of having a new vision)


The reason I love Chinese Medicine so much, is because it looks at the body as a WHOLE. So even though we focus on these organs for this season, we see how interconnected it all really is. Everything works in harmony; together.

Unlike the western model that says things are all separate.


Now when we think of the liver and gallbladder, I think it’s really important to recognize that these two organs do a LOT.

Our liver is constantly detoxing, whether we provoke it to or not.

And any time a person is experiencing gut issues, skin issues, and even hormone issues – we have to look at the liver!


These two work together, the Liver being a “yin organ”, which is responsible for blood flow and emotional flow throughout the body.

While the gallbladder is a “yang organ” that is responsible for storing and secreting bile. Thus, helping us to make decisions, plan and cultivate inspiration.


The emotions of the Liver & Gallbladder:

  • Anger
  • Depression
  • Frustration
  • Indecisiveness
  • Irritability
  • Lack of assertion
  • Lethargy
  • Letting go of old habits
  • Procrastination
  • Rage
  • Resentment


So, how do we cleanse, detox & nourish these organs?


Let’s begin with Food:


As a nutritionist, I think that eating healthy and nutritious food is of such importance.

BUT, remember… the mindset around it is equally important.

That is exactly why I also became a hypnotherapist. I came to see that we can eat the healthiest foods, but, if we are in fear, anger, or don’t love ourselves, the food doesn’t have the environment to really flourish and grow.


So, as we are in alignment with Spring, really think of cultivating the “soil” for what you want to grow.


So just keep this in mind as we dive into the foods section 😉


When it comes to Spring, think all things Green & Young; representing the energy of Springtime!

  • Baby greens
  • Baby spinach
  • Arugula
  • Lettuces
  • Bok choy
  • Anything deep in chlorophyll!
  • Peas
  • Beets
  • Radishes
  • Asparagus


And also incorporating sour and pungent foods is great for Spring time. This helps really “awaken” and energetically move out any stagnation we have stored from winter. Foods like:

  • Lemon
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Garlic
  • Spring onions
  • Pickles
  • And fermented foods


A great way to incorporate some of these are doing some lemon water first thing in the morning or having a spoonful of sauerkraut before lunch and/or dinner.


Lastly some great herbs for the Spring are:

  • Milk thistle
  • Dandelion
  • Turmeric


You can get these in tea form, supplement, or whole. It’s whatever you prefer really! These are very gentle herbs that I believe if you feel called, are great for anyone to incorporate into their diet 



Now, to nourishing our SPIRIT:


This is SO important! Unfortunately our culture gets really excited about New Years Resolutions. And while I am all for making positive changes, making any radical change in the middle of winter is basically an uphill battle. Especially according to Chinese Medicine. This is when we are in rest, hibernation and turning inward.


So Spring is a FAR better time to tackle those resolutions. Or rather, take on those positive lifestyle habits you want to cultivate.


This is also a great time for trying something NEW.


This doesn’t have to be some big project or career. But maybe try cooking a new meal, playing a new sport, going to a new class – just something to shake up your routine and give your soul a chance to dance, play and experience the fresh newness of the season!



Also, while I believe we do have all the tools within us, it can be really nice to receive external help to help us along our journey.

Some great treatments to do for the Spring are:


  • Sauna
  • Acupuncture
  • Lymph massage
  • Colonics & enemas


These all are great practices for moving our qi, or energy, within the body. Just to get that flow and movement and move through any stagnation from the winter we don’t want to bring with us into the Spring and Summer.



And lastly, some really easy practices we can do that don’t require spending any money that are also great to move the energy are:



And there you have it! While this may feel like a lot, this really is only skimming the surface of all the wisdom of Chinese medicine and seasonal transitioning.

My goal is not to ever overwhelm you, or tell you what to do.

But rather, to empower you to feel GOOD.

Whatever resonates with you, give it a try! And if it doesn’t, trust and know that your body does know best.


For more on this topic, check out my podcast on all things Spring here!


So I am curious, what practice stood out to you?! What foods, herbs or practices are you going to incorporate?

Let me know!


Sending you all love


