

As I sat down to my journal, the first word that always came to mind was “Death”.


But as this word has been showing up for me more and more, I decided to open up to what message it had for me…


It became very apparent, it is more than just a word as a semblance of death. But rather, an adjective to describe a state of mourning.


But, if no one has died, what is their to mourn?” my logical mind asks.


The identities, hopes and dreams that were lost or unfulfilled

Answered my soul.


You see, it isn’t always a person.

It isn’t always a pet.

It isn’t always a house.

But rather, it is the energy.



As we begin to ascend.

As we begin to grow.

As we begin to more fully know…

We can see so clearly that much of what we thought we “knew” is no longer serving us and where we want to go.


I had to sit down with myself and ask,

Is this where I want to go?”


As we are all on a healing journey of sorts, I am finding time and time again, that sickness, illness, and less than desired health and wellbeing, will always have an energetic component.



You can say, “Well what about just eating healthier?”

I’d pose the response, “What energetically is going on that that person doesn’t feel worthy of healthy food?”

“What energetically is out of balance that they crave foods that they know are not good for them?”


So as I step back and look at my own life, I realize, things have to shift.


I have healed so much.

Come so far.

Done so much inner work.

And yet, there will always be more.


Health and healing is never a destination, it is a journey.

Just as our lives.


If we run out of desires and things we want to achieve, I believe we have become complacent.

There is always something we can shift or improve.

Not from a standpoint of seeking perfection. Or needing to “fix” ourselves.

But from a standpoint of always growing, evolving, and always ever expanding with the Universe.



We so often think it would be easiest if someone could just “fix us”

Or now days, that a pill would just “fix it”.


But to do this I believe is to ignore the calling and messages of our soul.


So as we look at grief, I’d invite you tune in to the deeper emotions and messages of your soul.


This work isn’t easy.

It isn’t for the faint of heart.

It is going to push your comfort zone.

And yet, it is most rewarding, liberating and transformational work we can do.


To honor our soul.

To honor it’s wisdom.

To answer it’s call.

And even, to address it’s shadows.


Yes, grieving the parts of us unexpressed is indeed, addressing our shadows.

It’s getting real, vulnerable and looking at the parts we not always have loved.


But if we can begin to open up to the potentials and possibilities of a life beyond the current circumstances we are in, suddenly, “the work” doesn’t seem so hard.


You were created to live a life of your dreams.


And in order to allow the unfolding, we must allow the shedding of the old.


You are strong.

You are resilient.

And you are so loved. No matter what you are feeling.


This is what your soul never wanted you to forget.