2018 Holiday Gift Guide

I cannot even believe that the holidays are already here! I wanted to create a gift guide for you all with some of my favorite products and some links to save you all some money! šŸ™‚


I want to preface this though, that I personally believe that the BEST gift of the holidays is spending time with those you love, not your money.

And even better than that, is giving back.


(Stick with me though, and hear me out. What you came for is coming, I promise!)


The holidays have become so over commercialized, and it is honestly a bit sickening for me. The meanings have been lost, and the amount of money we spend on useless gifts we don’t actually need is absurd. We have lost the art of giving to those who are in need, and have bought into commercialized Hallmarking holidays.

My opinion?

  • Thanksgiving should be about eating

  • Christmas should be about worshiping

  • New Year should be about celebrating

Enjoying family. Enjoying friends. And supporting others who have less than you.


My family actually stopped doing gifts about five years ago. I requested we stop doing presents because it was beginning to not set well with me. While my family is neither rich nor poor, I never felt that this made sense ā€“ to be buying in to this consumer holiday when really, we had all we needed. Especially now that I donā€™t live in the same state as my family, just getting together with them for a few days is all I really need. Oh, and obviously cook up some yummy food šŸ˜‰

I also believe that giving back is one of the best things you can do. Whether it is the holidays or even just March 1st. This way, people can benefit from that money that was otherwise going to go to be used towards useless gift that you wonā€™t be using in a month.


I thought Iā€™d list below some of my favorite organizations/charities to support:



Bridgetown Church (or your local church)

John Mark and the whole Bridgetown Staff is amazing. Since moving to Portland, I have grown so much in my faith while attending this church. While I give on a consistent basis to them, I know that during the holidays they also do work around the community, and around the world. So, I feel confident that by giving to them, my money is going to a good cause.

Site:Ā https://bridgetown.church/


The Water Project

We take having clean drinking and bathing water for granted here in America. In reality, millions of people are dying from not having clean water.

This is not okay.

The founder of the Water Project, Scott Harrison, was a guest on The Model Health Show (you can take a listen here https://themodelhealthshow.com/scott-harrison/ ), and talked all about how he started The Water Project, and I just think this is one of the most incredible charities out there. 100% of profits go to clean water. They literally have celebrities and public figures (thankfully) funding them to travel to insall wells, and the buildings/office in which the work, and the employees. Because they gaurentee 100% of donations go to clean drinking water.

You can donate here: https://thewaterproject.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA_s7fBRDrARIsAGEvF8Rwh0p_66ii-Ssjwtgw-V34KUcz-exsesQ8AnVd7o1utcV21DNDKNMaAqgREALw_wcB


Heifer Ā 


This organization helps work with international communities to increase income, improve child nutrition, care for the earth, al with the end goal to end world hunger and poverty. This organization directly impacts children and families and farms around the world who are in need.



Farm Aid:Ā  Ā 

Farm Aid was created by the Family Farm Disaster Fund to help farm families recover from weather related disasters. What we donā€™t often realize when there are fires, droughts, hurricanes, and other natural disasters is the loss of crops and livestock. This organization goes to help the loss of income for the families impacted due to these disasters.




Those are just a few of the ones I personally resonate with, and know that the money is falling in the right hands. If there is a cause that you resonate with more, I encourage you to donate or volunteer your time with them.


Okay, now that Iā€™ve addressed the most important part, I did want to highlight some of my personal favorite brands, who I would love to give or receive products from this holiday season. Note that these are in no particular order.


I also really wanted to share these with you guys, because some of these companies are having EPIC deals for the holidays, and I want to help you save money! So whether youā€™re getting them for someone OR for yourself, some of these companies are having amazing deals I would definitely take advantage of!


All of the products below are my personal favorites, many that I use/consume every day or at least 1x/week. I love supporting all of these companies, and would love to help you all save money too!







Ground Up PDX

Okay you guys, purchasing these nutbutters is a WIN-WIN-WIN

Win 1: Women founded and run by the two SWEETEST girls I personally know here in Portland

Win 2: They employment, mentorship, and job training skills to women overcoming adversity. Their goal is to help women gain the confidence and skills they need in order to achieve their full potential while transitioning to the next phase of their life.

Win 3: Their nutbutters taste AH-MAZING. Like, genuinely the best nut butter around. AND they even have a holiday special ā€“ SALTED EGGNOG. Made with local, quality ingredients.

They are also all Vegan, Whole30-friendly, and made in a peanut-free facility (they are all coconut based, with either cashew, almond, or hazelnut).



Four Sigmatic

When I say I love this company, this is honestly an understatement. Their mushrooms and drink mixes are incredible. They make me feel amazing, and their dual extraction process makes sure you are getting the best quality, most potent compounds of the mushroom.

My personal faves?

  • Cordecyp hot cacao (Basically like an energizing hot cocoa)
  • Lions Mane (Helps with focus)
  • Cordecyp Coffee (
  • Chaga (Earthy, no caffeine, and when blended with 1 tbls cacao + brain octane + almond milkā€¦ Holy moly. Thank me later šŸ˜‰ )


Discount: http://www.us.foursigmatic.com/#_a_berryfitt



Smoothie Box

From the makers of Butcher Box, Smoothie Box provides pre-made smoothies made from ALL organic ingredients + grass fed collagen. Each flavor contains a mix of organic veggies & fruits + healthy fats to keep you satiated. Which, as a nutritionist, my biggest complaint with ordinary smoothies is that they are too high in sugar, and too low in fat and protein. These, are high in veggies, protein and contain great fats (from coconut cream, pumpkin seeds, etc.)

These are perfect for busy mornings because you just dump it in the blender with some almond milk, water, or coconut water + the collagen pack for an easy 2 minute breakfast.


Cyber Monday & Black Friday: Ā https://track.smoothiebox.com/aff_c?offer_id=15&aff_id=4113

Use code:

Black Friday: BFDEAL2018

Cyber Monday: 20CYBER18


And the rest of the holiday season, receive $25 off your first box here:




Ancient NutritionĀ 

My love for this company goes DEEP. There is not a single product from Dr. Axe I wouldnā€™t recommend. Knowing Josh Axe personally, and having talked with him about the sourcing and quality of their products, I can 100% recommend anything from their site.

My personal favorites are:

  • Organic Vanilla Bone Broth Protein (Makes my smoothies SUPER fluffy and thick)
  • Multi Collagen Pro (Contains all FOUR types of collagen ā€“ most others JUST have Type I or Type II)
  • Chocolate Collagen (I use it to make healthy chocolate milk OR in my chocolate pumpkin brownies)



Vital ProteinsĀ  Ā Ā 

Iā€™ve been using Vital Proteins collagen for years now. Since using I have definitely noticed improvement in my skin and hair growth. They are also offering an epic holiday ā€˜Mega Bundleā€™ that includes ALL the top Vital Proteins products, with a savings of $40! My personal Vital Proteins faves are:

  • Chocolate blackberry collagen
  • Vanilla Colagen Peptides
  • Beef Gelatin (makes for the best foamy coffee or blended drink)


Holiday Bundle: http://tracking.vitalproteins.com/SH1gf

Sampler Box: http://tracking.vitalproteins.com/SH1gd



I have been using Amazing Grass for probably 8 years now. Right now my favorite products of theirs are:

  • Brain and Beauty Elixir (both are packed with mushrooms and adaptogens)
  • Chocolate Green superfood
  • Berry flavored Raw Reserve (packed with AFAā€™s spirulina, chlorella, and sea vegetables ā€“ all responsibly harvested (to ensure no heavy metal contaminants from the algae), and help fight off free radicals

Discount: Use Code ā€˜Berryfittā€™ at https://www.amazinggrass.com/




Primally Pure

I actually just recently started using Primally Pure and I must say, it was love at first oil cleanse. I have always used soaps and cleansers, so this was my very first time using oil to cleanse my face. Now, if you arenā€™t familiar or heard of oil cleansing, it can sound like a very strange concept! But, oil cleansing is really great because it helps balance pH, rather than strip the skin of necessary oils. I will admit, at first, I felt super greasy. Now, I canā€™t imagine using cleanser. My skin feels so much softer, and has even helped with breakouts.

And I didnā€™t even mention their STELLAR ingredients. Skincare can be HARD. Finding good quality skin care these days without hormone disrupters, estrogen mimickers, parabens, and bad oils is so. Hard. Primally Pure is one of the FEW companies I 100% trust and can recommend ANY of their products.

My favorites:

  • Cleansing Oil (Regular skin)
  • Blue Tansy Beauty cream (I use this during the day)
  • Fancy Face Serum (I use this after I cleanse at night)


Get an amazing discount here: https://primallypure.com?rfsn=1881943.cb49df

And just use code ā€˜JASMINEG15ā€™


Rinse Bath & Body

I met the woman who created Rinse at an REI Outessa event and she is truly amazing! I tried a lot of her products and love that she sources all of her essential oils for quality. My favorite products of hers are her roll ons and body oils. I particularly LOVE the Theives roll on, and use it on my neck lymph nodes whenever I feel I may be getting sick. It helps me EVERY TIME!

I also use the pomegranate and almond oil as perfume & as a massage oil.


  • JOY15 ā€“ 15% off up to $50
  • HOLLY20: 20% off $50-$100
  • JOLLY25: 25% off $100-$200
  • Merry30: 30% off over $200





Christian Gratitude JournalĀ  Ā  Ā 

I start my day with this every.single.day. And hopefully my mom isnā€™t reading this, because thatā€™s what I am getting her (it doesnā€™t count as a gift, since she told me she wanted it and didnā€™t know where to get it ;)).

Starting our day out in gratitude, in presence, and devoted to a higher purpose, allows us to live in accordance with our purpose, and attract the life we want to manifest.

It was created by Ben Greenfield, who is someone I love and look up to, and can be purchased from him directly, or via Amazon. (cheaper on Amazon)

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Christian-Gratitude-Journal-Devotional-Gratefulness/dp/0692809511

Ben Greenfield: https://christiangratitude.com/

(He has a great video on his site about how he created it)


If you arenā€™t a Christian, and would just like a regular gratitude journal, I recommend the 5 minute journal, which you can find here: https://www.amazon.com/Five-Minute-Journal-Happier-Minutes/dp/0991846206/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1542842973&sr=8-4&keywords=gratitude+journal


Imperfect ProduceĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā 

Give produce, reduce waste. Does it get any better?! Iā€™ve been a long time lover and user of Imperfect Produce. You customize your box each week, and it is delivered to your door step. They offer organic boxes (which is what I have) and I love that it is fully customizable. While I love CSAā€™s you kind of just ā€œget what you getā€. This allows you to pick what you want. Also, this is food that would otherwise be thrown away. 1/3 of all food is being literally thrown in the garbage, so supporting this company is incredibly important to me.

Discount: Get 50% off your first box at www.imperfectproduce.com using code: ā€˜BERRYFITTā€™



There you have it, guys! Remember, this time only comes once a year so itā€™s important to ENJOY. Donā€™t get wrapped up (lol) in all the stress. You are deserve presence, love, and joy.


Note: This page contains affiliate links. Not all discounts are affiliate links. Some are just pulled from emails I receive from the companies that I wanted to share with you.